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About Every Nation

Every Nation

Every Nation exists to honor God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.

Every Nation Campus

Every Nation Campus

We, Every Nation Campus Gent, are part of Every Nation Europe and Every Nation Campus Europe. This gives us multiple international opportunities to offer our students. Yearly, we have a student conference in Europe, leadership training abroad and a world conference every three years. Check out our event page for regular updates. More information about specific events you'll find there.

Why would you wanna go to such a conference, you might ask. Well, you make a lot of new and interesting friends abroad. Last year, one of the Belgian students went couch surfing with two girls she met during our student bootcamp. They become your friends and family abroad. Every year, we look forward to spending time with them again, having fun and building memories that last a lifetime.
International guest speakers qualified in different areas of life and coaches invest in you as a student. You get to visit new cities and countries. A new adventure awaits you; it’s just around the corner!